Early Files: JFK Museum holds ribbon cutting in Hyannis in 1992

2022-07-23 05:42:16 By : Ms. Jodie Liu

The Early Files includes stories from the archives of the Barnstable Patriot.

The scarcity of silver change is getting to be a source of great inconvenience to even the citizens of the Cape. Until within a week or two there has been a plenty of it in circulation in this section, and its sudden disappearance can only be accounted for on the ground that the premiums offered by Boston brokers has proved too much for the cupidity of those having the opportunity to get hold of it.

The Island Home: This steamer has discontinued her trips to Hyannis for the present at least if not altogether. The Nantucket travel, in one way or another, has brought considerable money into the place, and our carriage drivers, as well as hotel and saloon keepers will very much miss the income they have hitherto enjoyed from this source.

More:Early Files: Cape Cod Secretarial School students aid war effort

Barnstable has been besieged the past week by the army worms. The first appearance was noticed in the meadow of David Bursley, Esq., where there were millions of them. They are also reported at many other points in town and are doing great damage in some sections. Their last visitation was in 1861.

Marstons Mills: The ice cream sale for the benefit of the library was a success. Posters are out for a meeting at Hattie E. Mecarta's next week to see about library matters. … The sale of ice cream for the benefit of the church last Thursday netted a handsome sum.

Hyannis: On next Friday evening and on Saturday occurs the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Hyannis Normal school and additional activity may be expected at the school and about the village. On Friday evening the banquet will take place at the Ferguson. Fine weather prevailing, the exercises on Saturday afternoon will be held on the campus. Governor Cox heads the list of speakers. (Note: Channing H. Cox was governor of Massachusetts from 1921 to 1925. The Ferguson was a hotel in Hyannis.)

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A Ford car from Alabama was noticed Saturday afternoon parked near the Hyannis Arms bearing a large "Hoover" plate on its radiator with a smaller one under it reading "Repeal the 18th Amendment." As in the mind of some the two do not jibe, people were in doubt as to the sentiments of the car's owner. (Note: The 18th Amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of “intoxicating” liquor; it was repealed in 1933 with the ratification of the 21st Amendment. President Herbert Hoover, who served from 1929-33, was a proponent of prohibition and during his administration expanded its federal enforcement, hence the feeling that the two plates on the Alabama car did not “jibe.” The Hyannis Arms was the former Ferguson Hotel.)

Climaxing a year of effort by Barnstable residents, John G. Winant, United States Ambassador to the Court of St. James, and Mrs. Winant opened a nursery last week for children displaced by bombs in Barnstaple, England. Partially financed by $9,000 raised in the Cape community, the nursery is known as the Broadgate residential nursery. It is the 14th residential nursery provided for British children by American money. … Mrs. Winant cabled her appreciation for the contributions that helped establish the nursery to Chester A. Crocker, chairman of the Barnstable selectmen, and treasurer of the Barnstable children's committee. (Note: Mayor Charles L. Dart of Barnstaple, England had earlier visited Cape Cod and the town of Barnstable in 1939.)

More:Early Files: 1,000 people check out new Craigville Beach bathhouse in 1932

Ten Clark University Summer School students will visit the Barnstable dunes Saturday as part of their course in animal ecology. Under the guidance of their instructor, Dr. Rudolph F. Nunnemacher, associate professor of geology at Clark, the students will study the encroachment of the sand onto the land mass and observe the animals and plants which adapt themselves to the shifting environment as compared to the rocky North Shore they visited a week ago.

The other day, Mrs. John F. Kennedy and daughter, Caroline, were enjoying a picnic lunch on a stretch of private beach in Hyannis Port. One little girl wandered away from her friends and stood aside, watching the progress of the diners. When Mrs. Kennedy offered her a few grapes or a piece of cake she shook her head and gravely replied; "No, thank you. My mother won't let me take anything from strangers."

The 106th Barnstable County Fair, sponsored by the Barnstable County Agricultural Society, opened its gates this morning for its annual agricultural fair at the grounds in Marstons Mills. Society president Orrin Fuller of Centerville said this is the last time the popular fair will be staged at the Route 149-Race Lane intersection. (Note: The 107th Barnstable County Fair was held at the new fairgrounds in Falmouth.)

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Town officials and local firefighters will cut the first slice of a 1,000-pound birthday cake to celebrate the first birthday of the West End Marketplace, Sea and Main streets, Hyannis on Saturday, July 24, at noon. Slices of the cake, one of the largest birthday cakes ever seen on Cape Cod, will be sold for 50 cents each, with proceeds going to the Hyannis Fire Department rescue fund. (Note: Entertainment included a Dixieland band, a magic show, and clowns.)

The JFK Museum in the Old Town Hall on Main Street in Hyannis depicting the Cape life of the former president, which held its ribbon cutting ceremony Monday, is already an unqualified success. As of today, more than 1,000 visitors have passed through the doors, donating between $125 and $150 a day. (Note: This text appeared as a caption beneath a front page photo in the Patriot showing the ribbon cutting event.)

The long-awaited move away from the creaking conveyor belt to modern trash compactors at the residential transfer station in Marstons Mills is scheduled for Tuesday's opening. Many of the new directional signs are in place at the transfer station, but crews will take advantage of Monday's half-day schedule to make the other necessary moves. … As for the fate of the conveyor belt, which moved countless tons of rubbish for more than 20 years, the unit will be disassembled and sold for scrap.